A course designed to help you deepen your shadow work, heal persistent shadow issues, and work towards a more joyful existence.
In this course, you will:
- Learn the evolution of shadow resolution
- Learn how the three types of shadow progress through the evolution of shadow resolution
- Understand how the three directions of shadow workflow through the evolution of shadow resolution
- Learn how to process shadow internally
- Explore the shadow classes & shadow issue
Here’s what our students experienced after completing the course...
- A greater sense of wellbeing
- A deeper understanding of self
- More compassion for those around you
- Noticing and processing more shadows in their lives
- A marked change in their attitude, with a more positive outlook on life
- Feelings of hopefulness and excitement for the future
Note: You only qualify to take the Heal My Shadow course if you have completed the Illuminate My Shadow course.

Are you ready to build on your shadow work, understand the evolution of shadow resolution, and work towards a greater sense of self?
Sign up today!