Kim has expertise with a wide range of populations
He has worked with individuals, couples, families, multicultural, LGBTQIA, youth at risk, severely mentally ill, chronic pain, mind body healing, existential dilemmas and advanced psychosocial spiritual development. Kim is considered the go-to person for those seeking to clear up distortions at the latest researched levels of consciousness. His extensive experiences span the age range from infants to the elderly to multigenerational healing.
Kim developed programs for mental health centers and hospitals throughout northwestern Montana
Including: a vocational construction program for those suffering with schizophrenia, bipolar, and axis ll issues, and youth at risk partial hospital programs utilized by 3 hospitals in northwestern Montana. He has run a successful Mind Body health clinic for over 3 decades with Dr. Carter N.D. in the Flathead Indian Nation. Kim co-founded Stages International with Dr. Terri O’fallon where they research and teach about developmental stages of consciousness.
Kim's work with Shadow has been internationally acclaimed
Take the assessment: It is free, and offers an insightful look at your shadow profile and how to create a better life for yourself.
Take the assessmentCutting edge in the field
Kim's work on shadow was awarded the best shadow work presentation for his "The Shadow Side of Shadow Work" address at the Integral European Conference, an international conference of hundreds of professional presenters from around the world. He has been on multiple podcasts and International lecture tours. He is frequently invited to help other organizations develop solid programs. His developmental-oriented shadow work is considered cutting edge in the field. He is hailed for his precision, efficiency, and effectiveness with shadow work in general and trauma work especially. Kim has created multiple new forms of shadow work and healing methodologies including:
- Psychosocial Cartography
- Shadow to Spirit
- Developmental Shadow Mapping
- The Evolution of Shadow Resolution
- and more.
These include quick and effective methodologies for working with Shadow, Anxiety, Depression, Trauma, and Addiction.
His current research is on: "Relationship Perspectives: Creating Deep Authentic Connections".

He has written peer-reviewed published articles on Individual shadow work, Organizational shadow, types, lines, parenting, developmentally informed psychotherapy, and coaching, to name a few. Kim has developed a new, more robust, grief work process. He is currently working on a shadow work trilogy book series which is expected to be released within the next year. He is in the editorial process of a parenting book. He is working on a relationship book based upon his latest research on relationships and consciousness.

Kim is known for bringing a grounded vivacious presence to therapy, coaching, and lectures focusing on development of functional ecstatic robustness at each developmental level as well as growth to higher developmental levels. Utilizing a delightful mixture of extensive experiential understanding of shadow, playful awakening of consciousness and deep personal presence, Kim helps guide his students through difficult terrain. His students report their mastermind shadow year with Kim was the most transformative work of their life.