We All Suffer
Often, we look to the external world to improve our lives. But as we mature, we begin to realize that the best way to improve the external world is to improve the internal world.
To make the internal world better we need to get to know our deep authentic self. We need to know not just our conscious self, we need to understand our unconscious self. This whole self is our deepest authentic self. When we have our whole self in alignment, our internal world becomes healthy, rich, and alive. This healthy, rich, alive, internal world will have profound impacts on the external world around us...making both the internal world and the external world a better place to live. If you want to make your life better and if you want to make the world better, the first place to start is discovering your deepest authentic self.

Kim will skillfully guide you through this process of deep self discovery.
Kim is an internationally recognized psychotherapist, award winning lecturer, writer and workshop creator. Kim possesses a golden combination of deep compassion, skillful application, decades of deep embedded experience, clarity of presence, and international recognition with rave reviews.
Kim created this series to walk seekers from beginning through advanced shadow dynamics. Begin your journey to deep authenticity, healing, and passionate living in the hands of a trustworthy guide.
Get to know KimThe unconscious mind holds the power of heaven and hell.
The distortions held in this secret place can torment you, creating ever-repeating cycles of suffering.Ā
These cycles of suffering have predictable causes: Take the free assessment to discover the cause of your suffering.

By tapping into the unconscious mind you can identify the underlying shadow patterns that create these problems.
You can develop the skills to reshape these patterns. And you can redesign them to create your optimal life.
Free AssessmentIlluminate My Shadow:
Discovering Shadow Patterns
For only $59, go on a heroic journey discovering your hidden self, find hidden treasures within, and discover the secrets hidden in your shadow. Discover the 3 classes of shadow work. Illuminate your shadow patterns. Explore the steps of the heroā€™s shadow journey. Finally, learn how to find a skilled shadow worker and how to spot unskilled shadow workers that may cause you harm.
Heal My Shadow:
The Evolution of Shadow Resolution
Discover the power of this proprietary shadow meta-model: The Evolution of Shadow Resolution. Walk through the entire process from discovery of shadow to resolution of shadow step by step. Discover the hidden patterns that identify where you are in your shadow healing process. Learn the specific steps to progress to the next deeper stage of healing.
Commune with Shadow:
Shadow Mastermind Healing Journey
Join a mastermind community of shadow informed members. Learn how to utilize the power of community to level up your shadow resolution. Be held with unconditional love and skillful action as you discover ever deeper self-authenticity in this deep dive engaging experiential community. Unlock the next step to a global healing support community.

Not interested? Maybe you will like our partner, Stages International courses, based on the STAGES model, a recent theory and assessment methodology for human development.
Invitation to global skilled shadow support community
When you develop the skills you will be welcomed into a deeply authentic, self-aware, skilled community. You will meet people all over the world that have graduated from Kim’s shadow work series.
They have the knowledge, skills, and passion for deep shadow work, deep self discovery, and deep authenticity. Graduates are forming communities, ongoing healing support groups, sharing information, and creating healing transformational projects around the world.
Start here - take the Shadow AssessmentGet In Touch
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Have a financial need and are willing to donate time to a worthy cause? Let me know! I'd love to help you help others while I help you help yourself!
Contact usIlluminate My Shadow:
Discovering Shadow Patterns
For only $59, go on a heroic journey discovering your hidden self, find hidden treasures within, and discover the secrets hidden in your shadow. Discover the 3 classes of shadow work. Illuminate your shadow patterns. Explore the steps of the heroā€™s shadow journey. Finally, learn how to find a skilled shadow worker and how to spot unskilled shadow workers that may cause you harm.
Heal My Shadow:
The Evolution of Shadow Resolution
Discover the power of this proprietary shadow meta-model: The Evolution of Shadow Resolution. Walk through the entire process from discovery of shadow to resolution of shadow step by step. Discover the hidden patterns that identify where you are in your shadow healing process. Learn the specific steps to progress to the next deeper stage of healing.
Commune with Shadow:
Shadow Mastermind Healing Journey
Join a mastermind community of shadow informed members. Learn how to utilize the power of community to level up your shadow resolution. Be held with unconditional love and skillful action as you discover ever deeper self-authenticity in this deep dive engaging experiential community. Unlock the next step to a global healing support community.

Not interested? Maybe you will like our partner, Stages International courses, based on the STAGES model, a recent theory and assessment methodology for human development.